
Solids Formation In MEA Triazine Contact Towers, Prevention And Advice

In this paper focus will be placed on the non-oxidative and non-regenerative H2S scavenger MEA Triazine and its application in contact tower systems, specifically looking at solids (polymeric dithiazine) formation.

Product Number: 51322-17483-SG
Author: Willem-Louis Marais Schlumberger
Publication Date: 2022

Triazines (Hexahydrotriazines) are one of the most used H2S scavenger chemistries in the North American oil and gas industry, specifically MEA triazines. The chemistry and application methods are well known due to over 2 decades of use, it has gained a commodity status and is thus a
highly cost effective H2S treatment solution. Currently it offers one of the lowest cost per mass of H2S removed available in the market. There are however risks when using triazines, one being the formation of polymeric solids. This is mainly due to “overspending” the Triazine (over exposure of the dithiazine to H2S). The term “over spent” was commonly referred to the creation of Trithianes. Recent studies have shed more light on the triazine reaction pathways and provided a more realistic approached to solids formation.4

Triazines (Hexahydrotriazines) are one of the most used H2S scavenger chemistries in the North American oil and gas industry, specifically MEA triazines. The chemistry and application methods are well known due to over 2 decades of use, it has gained a commodity status and is thus a
highly cost effective H2S treatment solution. Currently it offers one of the lowest cost per mass of H2S removed available in the market. There are however risks when using triazines, one being the formation of polymeric solids. This is mainly due to “overspending” the Triazine (over exposure of the dithiazine to H2S). The term “over spent” was commonly referred to the creation of Trithianes. Recent studies have shed more light on the triazine reaction pathways and provided a more realistic approached to solids formation.4

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Picture for Properties Of Unreacted MEA-Triazine Contamination In Crude Oil
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Impact of Unreacted Mea-Triazine on Refinery Operation

Product Number: 51321-16832-SG
Author: James Ondyak; James Noland; Parag Shah
Publication Date: 2021