
Several Case Studies of Causes and Effects of Cuprosolvency

This paper explores four cases of cuprosolvency defined as accelerated uniform corrosion of copper plumbing materials. Cuprosolvency goes far beyond blue-tinted water or stained porcelain and often results in severe pipe wall thinning. Its contributory factors differ from those associated with pinhole corrosion and other localized corrosion mechanisms involving copper or its alloys. Multiple water attributes in various and sometimes unexpected combinations were implicated. Modern water treatment practices including operational and design issues introduce avoidable risks for cuprosolvency as discussed in several case studies.Four situations involved very different root causes and impacts: (1) copper pipe wall thinning throughout a university campus due to specific attributes of the municipal water in combination with the university’s operations of hot water recirculating systems; (2) a vacation community’s problem with exceedances of the EPA Action Level for copper in potable water resulting from a transient drop in pH of the source water; (3) periodic cuprosolvency at a large public facility due to a design flaw in their softening system with damaging side effects on galvanized pipe; and (4) newly-imposed copper discharge limits leading a small city’s wastewater plant to look upstream to the city’s industrial and residential users for cuprosolvency effects.

Product Number: 51319-12992-SG
Author: James Datesh
Publication Date: 2019
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Field Testing – The Correlation Between Accelerated Laboratory Tests and Field Testing

Product Number: 51319-13154-SG
Author: Anders W. B. Skilbred
Publication Date: 2019