
RP0288-2004-SG (Chinese), Inspection of Linings on Steel and Concrete

 标准  推荐习惯做法  钢板和混凝土上衬里的检查    Application of metallic thermal spray coating (TSC) of aluminum, zinc, and their alloys and composites for the corrosion protection of steel.

Product Number: 21142-SG
ISBN: 1-57590-233-8
Publication Date: 2004


Provides appropriate inspection requirements to verify compliance to a specification. It is not intended to address the selection of a coating or to specify surface preparation and application requirements.

Key words: coatings, concrete, inspection, linings, steels

Provides appropriate inspection requirements to verify compliance to a specification. It is not intended to address the selection of a coating or to specify surface preparation and application requirements.

Key words: coatings, concrete, inspection, linings, steels

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