
RP0196-2004 (Chinese), Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage Tanks


DOWNLOADABLE HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Chinese translation. Galvanic anode cathodic protection to the normally submerged steel surfaces inside water storage tanks used for municipal water supply and fire protection.        

Product Number: 21117-SG
ISBN: 1-57590-189-7
Publication Date: 2004


DOWNLOADABLE HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Chinese translation. Presents procedures used in providing galvanic anode cathodic protection to the normally submerged steel surfaces inside water storage tanks used for municipal water supply and fire protection. Includes guidelines for the design and installation of these cathodic protection systems; methods for determining the effectiveness of these systems; and recommendations for the operation and maintenance of these systems. Key words: anodes, cathodic protection, design, reference electrodes, storage tanks, water storage tanks.


DOWNLOADABLE HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Chinese translation. Presents procedures used in providing galvanic anode cathodic protection to the normally submerged steel surfaces inside water storage tanks used for municipal water supply and fire protection. Includes guidelines for the design and installation of these cathodic protection systems; methods for determining the effectiveness of these systems; and recommendations for the operation and maintenance of these systems. Key words: anodes, cathodic protection, design, reference electrodes, storage tanks, water storage tanks.

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