
Pitting Factor Criteria for Localized Corrosion Inhibition of Liquid Radioactive Waste Stored in Han

Liquid radioactive waste stored in carbon steel made double shell tanks (DSTs) at Hanford have a comprehensive chemistry control program to prevent stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and other types of localized corrosion. Since waste retrieval and additions are to be expected to manage the waste into vitrification it is desirable to specify borderline conditions to prevent any susceptibility to pitting corrosion. Currently the chemistry control program inhibits localized corrosion due to nitrate concentrations using sodium hydroxide to raise pH over 12. However future streams may increase the concentration of aggressive species (e.g. chloride fluoride sulfate) and may decrease the pH of waste to 10. Using cyclic polarization potentiodynamic (CPP) the chemistry control program was optimized by designing a pitting factor using statistical analysis. Additionally immersion tests were performed to measure open circuit potential (OCP) and weight change corrosion rates for partially and completely immersed coupons. Borderline conditions determined by the pitting factor will be studied to provide limits for the chemistry control program.

Product Number: 51319-13430-SG
Author: Pavan Shukla
Publication Date: 2019