
Pipeline Integrity - Onshore Pipelines vs Offshore Pipelines

Transport Net is a high-level competence center for Pipeline Operation and Integrity in Equinor. An extensive network of pipelines is installed in the North Sea and approximately 10 000 km of pipelines are continuously monitored. This includes integrity evaluations, as well as repair and maintenance activities and are performed on behalf of several internal operational departments and licenses, in addition to an external operator. The transported fluids are multiphase, dense gas, sales gas, condensate, oil, chemicals, and CO2. The pipeline portfolio consists of rigid pipelines in mainly carbon steel grades X65 and X70, with some exceptions for newer pipelines being cladded or lined with Inconel. This paper will discuss our Risk Based Inspection (RBI) philosophy, internal and external inspection intervals, how pipeline barrier management is applied in operation, and the requirements and tools used to ensure pipeline integrity with no loss of containment. A case showing differences and similarities between onshore pipelines and offshore pipelines will be used.
Product Number: 51324-20784-SG
Author: Helene Sirnes; Pernille Nordmoen Kildahl
Publication Date: 2024