
Mitigating Stray Currents in 5G-Connected Metallic Structures: A Comprehensive Solution

As the telecommunication industry transitions to the fifth-generation mobile network, commonly known as 5G, the adaptation of this technology presents certain challenges that require careful consideration. While existing wireless communication infrastructures can be utilized for implementing 5G, one notable concern involves the potential for stray currents resulting from the installation of 5G equipment on pre-existing structures, particularly those made of metal. These unintentional stray currents have the potential to cause equipment damage, necessitating the development of a comprehensive solution to mitigate their occurrence. This paper focuses on addressing the issue of stray currents in 5G-connected metallic structures through the proposal of a comprehensive solution. The objective is to provide a preventive measure that ensures reliable and safe operation of 5G equipment without the risk of equipment damage caused by stray currents. The proposed solution aims to be universally applicable to all 5G equipment connections, providing a standardized approach to addressing this concern and facilitating the widespread adoption of 5G technology.
Product Number: 51324-20830-SG
Author: Anil Kumar Chikkam; Michael Carone; Mehrooz Zamanzadeh; Aaron Ulmer
Publication Date: 2024