
Measuring the Localized Corrosion Due to Carbonic Acid

The mechanism of carbonic acid corrosion is of a paramount importance for the oil industry. This is because production of crude is always accompanied by CO2 and water. Carbonic acid localized corrosion is by far more important than general corrosion. This is because you just need one tiny rupture in the pipe to have a failure which will need to be addressed and repaired. Methods to determine localized corrosion are very few. In one method the electrochemical potential of the metal specimen is increased with time until the material fails which is detected as a large oxidation current. In another a large constant oxidative potential is imposed on the metal coupon then its temperature is increased until a high current is observed. In both the nature of the surface at corrosion potential is not preserved. Electrochemical noise has come to address this problems because this method does not perturb the surface of the metal and all its measurements occurs at open circuit potential. However this non-perturbative method has little quantitative value and the interpretation of the data obtained is still very difficult. For instance the noise current cannot be integrated to know the extension of the damage. This is because one does not know to what electrode the noise belongs. In this paper the localized carbonic acid corrosion of a carbon steel at corrosion potential was measured. This was performed by pulsing at the corrosion potential and changing the temperature of the test. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was also used in the same manner. In both methods the localized current was integrated and the localized damage was determined.Key words: Localized corrosion CO2 corrosion electrochemical methods.

Product Number: 51319-12923-SG
Author: Omar Yepez
Publication Date: 2019
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Sudhakar Mahajanam / Fred Addington / Adarsh Ranganathan / Yuting Mao / Joanna Folse / Chloe Lins / Cesar Espinoza
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51318-11625-Cracking of Duplex Stainless Steel in Refining Operations

Product Number: 51318-11625-SG
Author: Sudhakar Mahajanam / Fred Addington / Adarsh Ranganathan / Yuting Mao / Joanna Folse / Chloe Lins / Cesar Espinoza
Publication Date: 2018