
51316-7617-Limitations of Common Oilfield Scale Inhibitor Chemistries

Product Number: 51316-7617-SG
ISBN: 7617 2016 CP
Author: James Davidson
Publication Date: 2016
The perennial problem of identifying the “best” scale inhibitor is complicated by the wide diversity of operating conditions found in the field and the variety of available chemistries. To provide some guidance in selecting the proper scale inhibitor a study was made of several scale inhibitors to map their limitations against common field conditions.Seven scale inhibitors with different active chemistries were identified and assessed to determine their limitations in the following areas: performance against calcite and barite scale thermal stability (inhibitor performance and physical properties after aging) brine compatibility/calcium tolerance and tolerance to dissolved iron.Each product’s effectiveness as a scale inhibitor was assessed by dynamic scale line (DSL) testing against calcium carbonate scaling and barium sulfate scaling. Thermally aged testing used samples of the product aged for 24 hours at temperatures ranging from 110 to 170°C before testing. Assessing the brine compatibility of the inhibitors required unaged products and brines of varying calcium levels tested over 24 hours at 90°C. Analyzing the effectiveness of each product in the presence of iron compared the Minimum Inhibitor Concentration (MIC) required to inhibit scale in brine with and without the addition of iron.Using the results of this test matrix the authors identify which chemistries best apply to a given set of field conditions.
The perennial problem of identifying the “best” scale inhibitor is complicated by the wide diversity of operating conditions found in the field and the variety of available chemistries. To provide some guidance in selecting the proper scale inhibitor a study was made of several scale inhibitors to map their limitations against common field conditions.Seven scale inhibitors with different active chemistries were identified and assessed to determine their limitations in the following areas: performance against calcite and barite scale thermal stability (inhibitor performance and physical properties after aging) brine compatibility/calcium tolerance and tolerance to dissolved iron.Each product’s effectiveness as a scale inhibitor was assessed by dynamic scale line (DSL) testing against calcium carbonate scaling and barium sulfate scaling. Thermally aged testing used samples of the product aged for 24 hours at temperatures ranging from 110 to 170°C before testing. Assessing the brine compatibility of the inhibitors required unaged products and brines of varying calcium levels tested over 24 hours at 90°C. Analyzing the effectiveness of each product in the presence of iron compared the Minimum Inhibitor Concentration (MIC) required to inhibit scale in brine with and without the addition of iron.Using the results of this test matrix the authors identify which chemistries best apply to a given set of field conditions.
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