
Crack Initiation Testing of Neutron-irradiated Type 347 Stainless Steel in Simulated PWR with LiOH or KOH

The immediate objective of this experiment is to investigate the IASCC initiation behavior of Type 347 stainless steel in lithium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide water chemistries across a range of irradiation damage and stress levels. A further objective is to provide data supporting improved predictive capabilities of IASCC failures by assessing the radiation dose dependence of IASCC initiation. In power plant components like the baffle-former bolts, the crack initiation step of IASCC is the rate limiting step, taking much longer than crack propagation as a fraction of time to failure. The results of this study will also be directly beneficial to the U.S. nuclear industry by providing an understanding of IASCC susceptibility in potassium hydroxide water chemistry, which may provide cost savings and more secure supply chains to nuclear power plants.

Product Number: ED22-17414-SG
Author: Michael Ickes, Lijin Dong, Abdullah Sinjlawi, Gary Was
Publication Date: 2022

Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking initiation tests have been completed on neutron-irradiated Type 347 stainless steel. The tests are being conducted using a miniature 4-point bend test technique, where the 4-point bend specimens have been extracted from the shanks of baffle-former bolts removed from service in pressurized water reactors. Very little laboratory crack initiation data exists on such material, though many Type 347 baffle-former bolts have failed in service. This small specimen technique allows for multiple tests of material extracted at nearly the same location, allowing for generation of a relatively large amount of data on a well-controlled set of specimens.
This study investigates the effects of stress, water chemistry (KOH vs. LiOH), and irradiation damage on IASCC initiation behavior to allow better understanding of IASCC in Type 347 stainless steel, with the objective of informing aging management practices to help mitigate IASCC. Based on the results to date, no difference in cracking behavior between the two environments is observed.

Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking initiation tests have been completed on neutron-irradiated Type 347 stainless steel. The tests are being conducted using a miniature 4-point bend test technique, where the 4-point bend specimens have been extracted from the shanks of baffle-former bolts removed from service in pressurized water reactors. Very little laboratory crack initiation data exists on such material, though many Type 347 baffle-former bolts have failed in service. This small specimen technique allows for multiple tests of material extracted at nearly the same location, allowing for generation of a relatively large amount of data on a well-controlled set of specimens.
This study investigates the effects of stress, water chemistry (KOH vs. LiOH), and irradiation damage on IASCC initiation behavior to allow better understanding of IASCC in Type 347 stainless steel, with the objective of informing aging management practices to help mitigate IASCC. Based on the results to date, no difference in cracking behavior between the two environments is observed.