
Investigations on Cathodic Protection Current Diversion to Carrier Pipe With Vci Gel Annulus Fill In Cased Pipelines

The oil and gas transmission pipelines are subject to corrosion and are regulated by governing authorities all over the world in view of public safety. Cathodic Protection (CP) is the most common technique used to protect pipelines from corrosion and is a regulatory requirement in the United States. When pipelines are installed inside casing pipe (casing) beneath roadways railroads and other locations the CP is ineffective for the cased section of carrier pipe. Furthermore when the end seals on the casing are compromised the corrosion threat is increased on the cased section of carrier pipe either due to metallic short or due to electrolytic coupling between the carrier pipe and casing. The pipeline operators in the U.S. are mandated by Congress to comply with 49 CFR Part 192 Subpart O to protect the cased carrier pipe from corrosion in High Consequence Areas (HCAs). One common approach used by pipeline operators is to fill the annulus space between casing and carrier pipe with a dielectric fill (wax). The corrosion protection with wax fill assumes that all contaminated water is pushed out of casing annulus with wax however this is not always possible. During the wax installation process contaminated water gets trapped in air pockets and around spacers consequently increasing corrosion risk on the carrier pipe. The existing indirect assessment techniques for pipeline integrity monitoring cannot be used with wax fills due to shielding effects.NACE standard SP0200 recognizes multiphase vapor corrosion inhibitors as one of the viable option for corrosion mitigation of carrier pipes in the casing annulus space. Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) are water based liquids that are installed in gel form in the casing annulus space. This paper explores the use of VCI gels in diverting the CP current to the holidays on the carrier pipe inside a casing and its feasibility for indirect assessment techniques used for pipeline integrity of cased pipelines.

Product Number: 51319-13133-SG
Author: Sujay Math
Publication Date: 2019
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Publication Date: 2014