
How Informative is Your Annual CP Survey Potential Data? - A Statistical Analysis

In the United States, gas and hazardous liquid pipelines are regulated by Section 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 192 and 195 respectively. It is in these regulations where guidance for the location and frequency is required to “have sufficient test stations or other contact points for electrical measurement to determine the adequacy of cathodic protection.” Historically, many operators in the United States have placed test stations at typically a 1-to-3-mile interval to demonstrate compliance with the associated regulations. A statistical analysis was performed on the annual test station data on multiple pipelines to show how meaningful this data is towards understanding the overall cathodic protection effectiveness. The priority of CP application needs to be from a corrosion prevention perspective rather than one driven strictly by regulatory compliance.
Product Number: 51324-21219-SG
Author: Thomas Hayden; Len Krissa; Keith Parker; Cedar Osmond
Publication Date: 2024
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