
High Temperature Oxidation Lifetime Modeling of Commercial NiCr Sheet Material

To increase efficiency a wide range of energy-related applications are pushing components to higher temperatures where environmental degradation can be life limiting. Unlike mechanical properties such as creep there is no simple degradation parameter to capture the time-temperature-thickness limitations of candidate alloys. For simple high temperature oxidation an issue is how to quantify the degradation rate in a manner useful to component designers. A collaborative effort has used 5000 h exposures of 0.2-0.5mm thick commercial alloys at 950°-1050°C for an initial model framework based on the Quadakkers reservoir model and basic assumptions about the failure criteria. The current effort has exposed 0.5 mm thick specimens of one NiCr alloy for 3-20 kh at 900°C in laboratory air to validate and modify the initial model. Research sponsored by the U.S.Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office Combined Heat and Power Program.

Product Number: 51319-12751-SG
Author: Bruce Pint
Publication Date: 2019
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Cathodic Protection Retrofit for Rehabilitation of Aging Reinforced Concrete Municipal Water Infrastructure: A Case Study

Product Number: 51319-13002-SG
Author: Mersedeh Akhoondan
Publication Date: 2019