
51312-01306-Experimental Study of Top-of-Line Corrosion in Slightly Sour Environments

Product Number: 51312-01306-SG
ISBN: 01306 2012 CP
Author: Chong Li
Publication Date: 2012
Top-of-line (TOL) corrosion may occur in wet gas pipeline when operating in stratified flow and water condenses at upper portion of the pipeline. The condensed water generally become corrosive through absorbing acid gases (CO2 and/or H2S) in the environment and is devoid of corrosion inhibitors that are usually present in the bottom fluids and may have difficulty reaching the top-of-line. Literature shows that TOL corrosion mechanisms are different between sweet (CO2 only) and sour (CO2 and H2S) systems. Determination of environmental conditions where TOL corrosion mechanisms switch from sweet to sour is important for TOL corrosion prediction. To gain such an understanding an experimental study was performed using the unique TOL autoclaves in slightly sour environments. Experimental results presented in this paper will demonstrate the effects of H2S concentration top-of-line temperature and condensation rate on TOL corrosion in slightly sour environments. Key words: Top of line corrosion condensation sour corrosion slightly sour sweet corrosion
Top-of-line (TOL) corrosion may occur in wet gas pipeline when operating in stratified flow and water condenses at upper portion of the pipeline. The condensed water generally become corrosive through absorbing acid gases (CO2 and/or H2S) in the environment and is devoid of corrosion inhibitors that are usually present in the bottom fluids and may have difficulty reaching the top-of-line. Literature shows that TOL corrosion mechanisms are different between sweet (CO2 only) and sour (CO2 and H2S) systems. Determination of environmental conditions where TOL corrosion mechanisms switch from sweet to sour is important for TOL corrosion prediction. To gain such an understanding an experimental study was performed using the unique TOL autoclaves in slightly sour environments. Experimental results presented in this paper will demonstrate the effects of H2S concentration top-of-line temperature and condensation rate on TOL corrosion in slightly sour environments. Key words: Top of line corrosion condensation sour corrosion slightly sour sweet corrosion
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