
51318-10859-Examination of Methods for Reinforced Concrete Steel Corrosion Remediation and Structure Life Extesi

Two benchmark experiments were performed by NASA and CERL. The first was performed in 1998 at the NASA KSC Corrosion Technology Laboratory and the second in 2007 in Okinawa, Japan under the leadership of CERL.

Product Number: 51318-10859-SG
Author: Robert A. Walde
Publication Date: 2018

Multiple methods are employed to control and remediate rebar corrosion in new and existing concrete structures and they make up the tool box available to engineers to extend structure life. Methods for extending concrete structure life range from changes in concrete cement chemistry to the use of corrosion inhibitor systems such as pozzolonic cement, surface sealers, corrosion inhibitor admixtures, cathodic protection and surface applied corrosion inhibitors. Most of these methods are covered in ASTM1 , AASHTO 2 and state departments of transportation (DOT) specification except for surface-applied corrosion inhibitors.. The recent publication of a Unified Facilities Guide Specification (09 97 23.17) “Corrosion Inhibitor Coating of Concrete Surfaces” has now given a specification for the use of surface-applied corrosion inhibitors and is reviewed along with supporting performance data. 3 The value of corrosion control and remediation systems are examined with respect to the measurement and calculation of structure life extension.


Keywords: concrete, steel corrosion, corrosion inhibitor systems, UFGS, life extension

Multiple methods are employed to control and remediate rebar corrosion in new and existing concrete structures and they make up the tool box available to engineers to extend structure life. Methods for extending concrete structure life range from changes in concrete cement chemistry to the use of corrosion inhibitor systems such as pozzolonic cement, surface sealers, corrosion inhibitor admixtures, cathodic protection and surface applied corrosion inhibitors. Most of these methods are covered in ASTM1 , AASHTO 2 and state departments of transportation (DOT) specification except for surface-applied corrosion inhibitors.. The recent publication of a Unified Facilities Guide Specification (09 97 23.17) “Corrosion Inhibitor Coating of Concrete Surfaces” has now given a specification for the use of surface-applied corrosion inhibitors and is reviewed along with supporting performance data. 3 The value of corrosion control and remediation systems are examined with respect to the measurement and calculation of structure life extension.


Keywords: concrete, steel corrosion, corrosion inhibitor systems, UFGS, life extension

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ISBN: 03288 2003 CP
Author: R.J. Kessler, R.G. Powers, W.D. Cerlanek, A.A. Sagues