
Evaluation Of Dead Leg Piping with Internal Corrosion at A Salt Dome Natural Gas Storage Facility

The essence of this paper is to talk about internal corrosion found in deadleg piping at the Enbridge Gas Transmission, & Midstream (GTM) Egan Hub Partners Storage Facility and especially how the corrosion was evaluated after the deadlegs were removed. The salt dome cavern storage facility is in south central Louisiana. The internal corrosion was found in the piping that comes from the storage caverns and goes through pressure reduction stations and then through dehydrations systems.

Product Number: 51323-19041-SG
Author: Leslie A. Ward, Len J. Krissa, Garry Matocha, Thomas Pickthall
Publication Date: 2023

This paper will discuss the timeline of having a leak on one 2” low point drain (June 2020) that led to multiple inspection projects (2021), the installation of permanent Ultrasonic Testing (UT) sensors (2021) and redesigning the piping at an Enbridge Salt Dome Cavern Egan Storage Facility. The internal corrosion was found downstream of two different pressure reduction stations that are the inlet to Dehydration systems. Based on the amount of internal corrosion found in various deadlegs, a piping redesign to remove the deadlegs was recommended instead of an inspection and corrosion monitoring plan. After the piping was redesigned and installed (May 2022), a significant amount of the old piping was sent out for failure analysis. Solids and liquids found in the legacy piping will be described in addition to test results from the associated samples, and failure analysis of the removed deadleg piping. Additional discussion will include other pieces of equipment where internal corrosion was found in that same system.

This paper will discuss the timeline of having a leak on one 2” low point drain (June 2020) that led to multiple inspection projects (2021), the installation of permanent Ultrasonic Testing (UT) sensors (2021) and redesigning the piping at an Enbridge Salt Dome Cavern Egan Storage Facility. The internal corrosion was found downstream of two different pressure reduction stations that are the inlet to Dehydration systems. Based on the amount of internal corrosion found in various deadlegs, a piping redesign to remove the deadlegs was recommended instead of an inspection and corrosion monitoring plan. After the piping was redesigned and installed (May 2022), a significant amount of the old piping was sent out for failure analysis. Solids and liquids found in the legacy piping will be described in addition to test results from the associated samples, and failure analysis of the removed deadleg piping. Additional discussion will include other pieces of equipment where internal corrosion was found in that same system.

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