
Establishing Internal Corrosion Prediction Model and Inline Inspection (ILI) Correlation

There are several technical advantages and economic benefits of integrating inline inspection (ILI) findings and internal corrosion prediction models. ILI provides “what has happened” and model provides “why it has happened” and “how it will evolve in the future.” This approach has been demonstrated in oil transmission pipelines, condensate pipelines, dry gas pipelines, wet gas pipelines and multiphase pipelines. This paper (1) explains the benefits of integrating internal corrosion model and ILI; (2) reviews the historical development of internal corrosion models; (3) elaborates the status of correlation between inline inspection (ILI) data and internal corrosion model prediction; and (4) explains future challenges and opportunities.
Product Number: 51324-20703-SG
Author: Sankara Papavinasam
Publication Date: 2024