
Effect of service conditions on the corrosion of Nickel-Aluminum Bronze (NAB) and Copper-Nickels (CuNi) in seawater

Nickel-Aluminum Bronze (NAB) and Copper-Nickel alloys (CuNi) are commonly used in seawater environment in raison of their strength combined with a good corrosion resistance and a high resistance to biofouling. However localized corrosion failures have been reported often attributed to abnormal service conditions. The effect of several service condition parameters on the localized corrosion of NAB and CuNi alloys 90/10 and 70/30 have been investigated in natural seawater. It includes flow conditions (flowing quiescent and stagnant) chlorination sulphide pollution and crevice geometries. Both indoor and outdoor exposures (biodeposit promoting conditions) have been tested in temperate and in tropical seawaters. The global stability of the protective oxide layer of the tested copper-based alloys was mainly affected by sulphide pollution in aerated seawater (general corrosion). Under the tested conditions localized corrosion under-biodeposit clearly appeared as the critical failure for the tested alloys. The conditions in which biodeposit appeared critical for copper-nickel alloys was investigated. The current for cathodic protection of NAB in natural seawater have also been investigated as function of flow rate. 

Product Number: 51319-13337-SG
Author: Dominique Thierry
Publication Date: 2019
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04294 Corrosion Assessment of Nickel Aluminum Bronze (NAB) in Seawater

Product Number: 51300-04294-SG
ISBN: 04294 2004 CP
Author: Kunigahalli L. Vasanth and Richard A. Hays, Naval Surface Warfare Center