
Development Of For Multifunctional (Pit Detection + ER) Corrosion Monitoring Probe For Oil And Gas Internal Pipelines

One of the frequent and major problems encountered in the oil and gas production is the
internal corrosion of carbon steel pipelines. Corrosion can be categorized into uniform (or
general) corrosion, localized corrosion and erosion-corrosion. Uniform corrosion causes
overall metal loss and general thinning of metal. Localized corrosion has the appearance
of pits or grooves.

Product Number: 51322-17820-SG
Author: Byeongho Ki, Cheolho Kang
Publication Date: 2022

Several methods for internal corrosion monitoring of oil and gas pipeline have been
used and proposed in the last few decades. These monitoring systems may be mainly
used for general corrosion and the post-processing of collected raw data is necessary. It
is very important for internal corrosion management to show the evolution of corrosion
phenomena with real time.

In this paper, patented corrosion monitoring technology for pit detection will be
introduced. This pit detection probe system is capable of monitoring real time pitting
corrosion in any kinds of environment. In addition, pit penetration rate can be easily
determined. Multifunctional probe (pit detection technique+ electrical resistance
technique) was also developed which can provide not only pit detection rate but also
general corrosion rate.

The comparison results between multifunctional probes and the weight-loss coupons
will be shown in this paper. These results of multifunctional probe for both general
corrosion and pitting corrosion will be discussed.

Several methods for internal corrosion monitoring of oil and gas pipeline have been
used and proposed in the last few decades. These monitoring systems may be mainly
used for general corrosion and the post-processing of collected raw data is necessary. It
is very important for internal corrosion management to show the evolution of corrosion
phenomena with real time.

In this paper, patented corrosion monitoring technology for pit detection will be
introduced. This pit detection probe system is capable of monitoring real time pitting
corrosion in any kinds of environment. In addition, pit penetration rate can be easily
determined. Multifunctional probe (pit detection technique+ electrical resistance
technique) was also developed which can provide not only pit detection rate but also
general corrosion rate.

The comparison results between multifunctional probes and the weight-loss coupons
will be shown in this paper. These results of multifunctional probe for both general
corrosion and pitting corrosion will be discussed.

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