
Development of an Asphaltene Deposit Cleaning Technology using a QCMB tecnique

Asphaltenes are a components of crude oil defined as a solubility class i.e. as a component of crude oil insoluble in n-pentane (C5 asphaltenes) or n-heptane (C7 asphaltenes) but soluble in aromatic solvents such as toluene and are complex polyaromatic macrocyclic structures with an overall varied composition. Asphaltene deposition remediation and inhibition are important considerations for flow assurance in upstream processes but methodologies to assess performance for cleaning purposes can provide variable results. We report on the development of a dispersant additive for aromatic solvent systems using a QCMB technique for evaluating the cleaning of a deposit. Further we report the performance of the additive in a case study and hence the utility of the technique to provide an assessment for potential field use.

Product Number: 51319-12821-SG
Author: Kevin Janak
Publication Date: 2019
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