
Development of a Versatile Corrosion Inhibitor for Multiple Oil and Gas Operating Environments

Corrosion inhibition is the preferred choice of internal corrosion control of carbon steel pipelines and downhole tubulars for many oil and gas operators. The selection of a corrosion inhibitor (CI) is often system dependent because a CI that performs well under one set of conditions may not always do so under another. Thus throughout the world a huge number of CI products are available and deployed to attend to the wide and varied operating environments encountered in the oil and gas industry to mitigate carbon steel corrosion. Consequently this often requires operators to have to handle numerous chemical products to treat different fields and/or to replace CIs for the same asset as the field conditions change over time. Since this can pose challenges to operators from a logistical viewpoint it is advantageous for a CI to have a wide window of operability in order to help reduce the number of products an operator has to manage.A recent R&D effort has focused on the development of a highly versatile CI product which has been specifically formulated using a unique backbone of chemistries to inhibit carbon steel corrosion in a broad range of operating environments. Furthermore it has favourable product attributes to enable it to be handled and applied in many regions of the world via various application methods. Through a number of examples this paper demonstrates the high level of corrosion inhibition performance and adaptability of the newly developed CI product under a number of simulated field laboratory testing conditions including at low and high shears using sweet and sour gas mixtures and differing brine compositions and temperatures. The new product also demonstrates favourable secondary and physical properties in terms of low foaming and emulsion tendency good product stability at various temperatures as well as passing key assessments for application via umbilical and downhole capillaries. Keywords: carbon steel corrosion inhibitor sweet sour carbon dioxide hydrogen sulphide localised corrosion pitting

Product Number: 51319-13001-SG
Author: Jeremy Moloney
Publication Date: 2019
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Picture for Electrochemical Model of CO2 Corrosion in the Presence of Quaternary Ammonium-type Corrosion Inhibitor Model Compounds
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Electrochemical Model of CO2 Corrosion in the Presence of Quaternary Ammonium-type Corrosion Inhibitor Model Compounds

Product Number: 51319-13392-SG
Author: Juan Dominguez Olivo
Publication Date: 2019

The oil and gas industry utilize surfactant-type organic corrosion inhibitors as a way to mitigate internal pipeline corrosion. Changes in corrosion rates due to inhibitor addition have been related to adsorption isotherms as a function of the inhibitor concentration. However the question as to how a corrosion inhibitor affects the electrochemical reactions governing CO2 corrosion remains unclear. This research proposed to investigate the aforementioned question by using a systematic approach: four different corrosion inhibitors synthesized in-house were utilized to determine the effect of the tail length on the activation energy of the electrochemical process underlying the corrosion of an API 5L X65 steel in CO2 corrosion at pH 4. The corrosion inhibitors all contained the same head group (dimethyl-benzyl-ammonium) with four different alkyl tail lengths (C4 C8 C12 and C16). A theoretical description of the increase in the activation energy of the electrochemical process underlying CO2 corrosion due to the presence of the corrosion inhibitors was proposed. Such a description also led to the development of a modified Butler-Volmer equation that describes the retardation in charge transfer rates of the electrochemical reactions associated with the corrosion of mild steel. The model is based upon changes in activation energy calculated by an Arrhenius plot. The model was compared with experimental potentiodynamic sweeps for each corrosion inhibitor model compound. As a result the corrosion model predicts the corrosion rate and the open circuit potential in the presence of a corrosion inhibitor with reasonable accuracy.