
Determination of Corrosion Inhibitor Residuals in Dry Crude Oil

Sample preparation is the fundamental step of any analytical procedure, which involves cleaning the sample matrix and transporting the target analytes to a more suitable matrix for instrumental analyses. This is a very critical step because it leads to achieving a better detection limits as compared of not having this step.

Product Number: 51323-18769-SG
Author: Talal M. Alghamdi
Publication Date: 2023

corrosion inhibitor residuals concentration by conventional techniques. This work aims to solve this problem by providing an analytical technique to measure the corrosion inhibitor residuals in dry crude oil by extracting corrosion inhibitor residuals from crude oil into a saline water, which could be then quantified by any analytical instrumental means.
A method was developed for the extraction of corrosion inhibitor residuals from treated crude oil samples by saline water. The various method development parameters were carefully studied and compared to get the optimum conditions for separation and quantification. The method provides a solution for a problem that exists, which is the difficulties to determine corrosion inhibitor residuals from a dry crude oil that has no sufficient associated water.

corrosion inhibitor residuals concentration by conventional techniques. This work aims to solve this problem by providing an analytical technique to measure the corrosion inhibitor residuals in dry crude oil by extracting corrosion inhibitor residuals from crude oil into a saline water, which could be then quantified by any analytical instrumental means.
A method was developed for the extraction of corrosion inhibitor residuals from treated crude oil samples by saline water. The various method development parameters were carefully studied and compared to get the optimum conditions for separation and quantification. The method provides a solution for a problem that exists, which is the difficulties to determine corrosion inhibitor residuals from a dry crude oil that has no sufficient associated water.

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