
Corrosion Related Service Life of Existing Concrete Structures

Concrete is the most widely used construction material and can be durable for hundreds of years; however the largest cause of concrete deterioration is due to corrosion of reinforcing steel.Steel is thermodynamically unstable and will eventually oxidize to a lower energy state.The rate of deterioration in existing structures can be modeled to predict the service life of a given structure based on the service environment concrete quality chloride ingress carbonation depth corrosion rate measurements and other factors to various degrees of success. Service life is defined as the remaining useful time for a structure based on the current deterioration rate without repairs.This paper will provide an overview of many of the service life models in use and provide an evaluation protocol for their application.

Product Number: 51319-12825-SG
Author: I-Wen Huang
Publication Date: 2019
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Picture for 07220 Coating Assessment for Projection of Service Life
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07220 Coating Assessment for Projection of Service Life

Product Number: 51300-07220-SG
ISBN: 07220 2007 CP
Author: J. Peter Ault and James Ellor
Publication Date: 2007