
51313-02766-Corrosion Behavior of Experimental Ferritic Steel in Coal Synthetic Gas

Product Number: 51313-02766-SG
ISBN: 02766 2013 CP
Author: Malgorzata Ziomek-Moroz
Publication Date: 2013

M. Ziomek-Moroz and P.D. Jablonski

Topography and phase composition of the scales formed on in-house modified low Si and Al 430 stainless steel with and without ceria coatings in simulated coal synthetic gas were investigated towards the carbon-induced corrosion study of ferritic steels for atmospheric and pressurized integrated gasification fuel cell power systems. Corrosion experiments were carried out in simulated coal gas consisting of CO CO2 H2O H2 and N2 at 800°C for up to 600 hours. Post-corrosion surface characterization methods included scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive X-ray and X-ray diffraction analysis.

M. Ziomek-Moroz and P.D. Jablonski

Topography and phase composition of the scales formed on in-house modified low Si and Al 430 stainless steel with and without ceria coatings in simulated coal synthetic gas were investigated towards the carbon-induced corrosion study of ferritic steels for atmospheric and pressurized integrated gasification fuel cell power systems. Corrosion experiments were carried out in simulated coal gas consisting of CO CO2 H2O H2 and N2 at 800°C for up to 600 hours. Post-corrosion surface characterization methods included scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive X-ray and X-ray diffraction analysis.

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