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Correlation Studies between Outdoor Exposure and Accelerated Laboratory Corrosion Tests in Cold Alaskan Climate

Atmospheric corrosion of metal alloys in cold environments is assumed to be negligible. However, studies in the Arctic and Antarctic regions have shown significant corrosion damage when exposed to cold conditions. While thermodynamically this is correct, other factors in such environments can be responsible for driving corrosion.

Product Number: 51323-19384-SG
Author: Raghu Srinivasan, Tyler Cushman
Publication Date: 2023

Atmospheric corrosion is a process that is heavily dependent on weather parameters. Heavy snowfall and dramatic freeze-thaw cycles observed in Arctic conditions further complicate the atmospheric corrosion mechanisms. The main purpose of this paper is to monitor and measure weather parameters, aerosol chlorides, and sulfates in the atmosphere and correlate it to the degradation of carbon steel alloys widely used in land, sea, aerospace transportation, oil and gas, fisheries, and mining applications. Carbon steel alloys (UNS G10060) were exposed to four atmospheric test sites in Alaska, representing distinct environments. Multi-angle test racks were designed, equipped with chloride candles and weather stations, and deployed to each site. The parameters recorded were Time of Wetness (TOW), relative humidity (RH), temperature, and aerosol chloride and sulfate deposition rates. The corrosion rate of carbon steel was calculated from the mass loss data. Accelerated laboratory tests were conducted in cyclic corrosion test chambers (CCTC) following the modified GM9540P standard for correlation studies.

Atmospheric corrosion is a process that is heavily dependent on weather parameters. Heavy snowfall and dramatic freeze-thaw cycles observed in Arctic conditions further complicate the atmospheric corrosion mechanisms. The main purpose of this paper is to monitor and measure weather parameters, aerosol chlorides, and sulfates in the atmosphere and correlate it to the degradation of carbon steel alloys widely used in land, sea, aerospace transportation, oil and gas, fisheries, and mining applications. Carbon steel alloys (UNS G10060) were exposed to four atmospheric test sites in Alaska, representing distinct environments. Multi-angle test racks were designed, equipped with chloride candles and weather stations, and deployed to each site. The parameters recorded were Time of Wetness (TOW), relative humidity (RH), temperature, and aerosol chloride and sulfate deposition rates. The corrosion rate of carbon steel was calculated from the mass loss data. Accelerated laboratory tests were conducted in cyclic corrosion test chambers (CCTC) following the modified GM9540P standard for correlation studies.