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51314-4089-Correlation of Hydrogen Flux with Corrosion Rates Attending High Temperature Acid Corrosion

Product Number: 51314-4089-SG
ISBN: 4089 2014 CP
Author: Frank Dean
Publication Date: 2014
Acid corrosion of metals in the absence of oxidants usually generates hydrogen.  During aqueous corrosion hydrogen ‘promoters’ cause very high hydrogen activities in steel subsurface sufficient to induce appreciable hydrogen flux through fairly impermeable low temperature steel.  At temperatures exceeding about 100 oC the hydrogen so formed in low alloy service steels is sufficiently mobile to both enter the steel and permeate the steel exiting as a measurable flux at the external steel surface even in the absence of any promoter action.  In this paper the dependency of hydrogen flux on rate of high temperature corrosion high temperature steel permeability and steel thickness is developed with a view to providing an improved algorithm for estimating corrosion rates from high temperature flux measurements.
Acid corrosion of metals in the absence of oxidants usually generates hydrogen.  During aqueous corrosion hydrogen ‘promoters’ cause very high hydrogen activities in steel subsurface sufficient to induce appreciable hydrogen flux through fairly impermeable low temperature steel.  At temperatures exceeding about 100 oC the hydrogen so formed in low alloy service steels is sufficiently mobile to both enter the steel and permeate the steel exiting as a measurable flux at the external steel surface even in the absence of any promoter action.  In this paper the dependency of hydrogen flux on rate of high temperature corrosion high temperature steel permeability and steel thickness is developed with a view to providing an improved algorithm for estimating corrosion rates from high temperature flux measurements.
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