
51313-02422-Copper in Super Duplex SS on Iso-Corrosion Curves in Hydrochloric Acid and Dilute Sulfuric Acid

Product Number: 51313-02422-SG
ISBN: 02422 2013 CP
Author: Ulf Kivisakk
Publication Date: 2013

Iso-corrosion curves of superduplex stainless steels have been discussed during the years. It has earlier been shown that the test method whether activation has been performed or not has large influence on the results. Some have claimed that addition of copper has a beneficial effect on superduplex stainless steels in hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid. However it has been uncertainties of the magnitude of the claimed effect since the same test method has not been used in all investigations.
In this work experimental heats of 25Cr superduplex stainless steel were investigated with different copper content between 0.02 and 2.01 weight-%. In order to maintain similar ferrite content the nickel content was adjusted but the rest of the elements remained constant. The general corrosion resistance was investigated with mass loss by immersion testing with activated specimens in both hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid. The results indicate that copper addition has no beneficial effect in hydrochloric acid. From the results simplified iso-corrosion curves has been constructed. Further the results indicate that heat with highest copper content had least resistance. In dilute sulfuric acid up to 50 weight-% sulfuric acid the obtained results of copper influence on the iso-corrosion curves are discussed.

Iso-corrosion curves of superduplex stainless steels have been discussed during the years. It has earlier been shown that the test method whether activation has been performed or not has large influence on the results. Some have claimed that addition of copper has a beneficial effect on superduplex stainless steels in hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid. However it has been uncertainties of the magnitude of the claimed effect since the same test method has not been used in all investigations.
In this work experimental heats of 25Cr superduplex stainless steel were investigated with different copper content between 0.02 and 2.01 weight-%. In order to maintain similar ferrite content the nickel content was adjusted but the rest of the elements remained constant. The general corrosion resistance was investigated with mass loss by immersion testing with activated specimens in both hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid. The results indicate that copper addition has no beneficial effect in hydrochloric acid. From the results simplified iso-corrosion curves has been constructed. Further the results indicate that heat with highest copper content had least resistance. In dilute sulfuric acid up to 50 weight-% sulfuric acid the obtained results of copper influence on the iso-corrosion curves are discussed.

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ISBN: 01502 2012 CP
Author: Carolina Canderyd
Publication Date: 2012