
Containment, Work Platform Systems and Component Design

This presentation will define what a containment / work platform is for the removal of lead paint for steel structures. Additional topics of discussion will include the design process for containment systems, submission requirements/reviews, containment system installation, and quality control procedures and component review and acceptance in the field by Engineers and Inspectors.

Product Number: 41211-631-SG
Author: Matt McCane
Publication Date: 2011
Industry: Coatings

This presentation will define what a containment / work platform is for the removal of lead paint for steel structures. Additional topics of discussion will include the design process for containment systems, submission requirements/reviews, containment system installation, and quality control procedures and component review and acceptance in the field by Engineers and Inspectors.

This presentation will define what a containment / work platform is for the removal of lead paint for steel structures. Additional topics of discussion will include the design process for containment systems, submission requirements/reviews, containment system installation, and quality control procedures and component review and acceptance in the field by Engineers and Inspectors.

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