Geothermal Energy is currently engineered as an “always on” baseload supply, due to the limited flexibility to throttle the well without scaling and fatigue issues, and it is engineered for maximal efficiency at this output level. Scaling is a major problem in geothermal plants, particularly in cases where the geothermal fluid composition and plant operation make it difficult to control scaling. In such areas, particularly where scale inhibitors cannot be employed, the formation of scales can make the process less efficient and in extreme cases can lead to unexpected shutdown.
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Alexandre Sabard, Shiladitya Paul, Briony Holmes, Namrata Kale, Paolo Taddei Pardelli, Claretta Tempesti, Andrea Mannelli, Ural Halaçoğlu, Hakan Alp Sahiller, Raziye Şengün, Sylvie Rouge, Nadia Caney, Andri Stefansson, Per Kjellgren, , Jan Přikryl, Volkan Ediger, Gokhan Kirkil
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