
Case Studies - Learnings from CUI Failures and Inspection Challenges

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is a leading damage mechanism that affects the entire hydrocarbon sector, from production to oil refinery settings. Modern-day inspection programs for CUI management are prioritized based on the risk scores associated with assets. This study addresses the numerous field learning for CUI management from various standpoints. It discusses in detail the outlooks and pitfalls with various disciplines namely non-destructive examination (NDE), risk-based inspections (RBI), workmanship (i.e., insulation craft), field maintenance/ retrofitting as well as corrosion monitoring location (CML) ports. It also discusses some latest and novel remedies to address some CUI triggers and drivers.
Product Number: 51324-21070-SG
Author: Ahmad Raza Khan Rana; J. Kyle Williams; Graham Brigham
Publication Date: 2024
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