
Biodegradable Antifouling Coating

Due to the regulations of toxic biocidal products in marine environments, the development of nontoxic antifouling (AF) coatings has become required. The development of nontoxic antifouling formulations implies the use of ingredients (such as: polymers, additives and pigments) that are devoid of toxicity towards marine environments. In this regard, erodible coatings, based on biodegradable polymer, are used to respond to this problem. Recently, polyurethane (PU) has been adopted into antifouling coating due to its ability to migrate the certain functional groups which resist the attachment of fouling. Biodegradation of PU can accelerate the erodible properties which ultimately improve the antifouling properties. In this study, a series of biodegradable PU coatings was formulated by tuning biodegradable polyol. The antifouling performance was evaluated after certain intervals.

Product Number: MPWT19-15293
Author: Mohammad Mizanur Rahman
Publication Date: 2019
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