
51314-4227-Application of ECDA for Integrity Management of KOC Crude Oil Pipelines

Product Number: 51314-4227-SG
ISBN: 4227 2014 CP
Author: Sean Brossia
Publication Date: 2014
The possible threats of external corrosion and stress corrosion cracking on a series of pipelines owned by Kuwait Oil Company have been investigated. The pipelines were constructed from API 5L Grade B steel and tended to be coated with coal tar enamel or polyethylene. These pipelines were used for crude oil transport at relatively low flow rates (gravity feed) and low pressures (typically less than 30% of the specified minimum yield strength). To assess the risk associated with external corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of these pipelines External Corrosion Direct Assessment following NACE SP-0502 and Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment following NACE SP-0204 were followed. In this paper the results and key observations from direct assessment activities will be presented. Based on observations and using different computational tools the expected time to failure was calculated and used to assign a nominal reinspection interval for the different pipeline systems. Also some suggestions for severity classification will be discussed. 
The possible threats of external corrosion and stress corrosion cracking on a series of pipelines owned by Kuwait Oil Company have been investigated. The pipelines were constructed from API 5L Grade B steel and tended to be coated with coal tar enamel or polyethylene. These pipelines were used for crude oil transport at relatively low flow rates (gravity feed) and low pressures (typically less than 30% of the specified minimum yield strength). To assess the risk associated with external corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of these pipelines External Corrosion Direct Assessment following NACE SP-0502 and Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment following NACE SP-0204 were followed. In this paper the results and key observations from direct assessment activities will be presented. Based on observations and using different computational tools the expected time to failure was calculated and used to assign a nominal reinspection interval for the different pipeline systems. Also some suggestions for severity classification will be discussed. 
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