
Application Of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) And Infrared Thermography Techniques To Evaluate Fuel Cladding Behavior During Accident Conditions

Accident scenarios, such as a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), subject claddings to rapid thermal transients, internal loading, and a high temperature steam environment. Understanding cladding behavior in this dynamic setting allows for better assessment of safety concerns such as coolant flow blockage and fuel relocation and dispersal. Improvement in model predictability and multi-physics fuel performance codes such as BISON are at the forefront of cladding related research. Particularly, efforts aim at addressing model accuracy to support burnup extension and increases in fuel cycle lengths.

Product Number: ED22-18327-SG
Author: Samuel Bell, Ben Garrison, Nathan Capps, Ryan Sweet, Kenneth Kane
Publication Date: 2022

Understanding the burst behavior of zirconium claddings during accident scenarios is valuable to continued safe and efficient operation of light water reactors. Forward looking, better assessment of cladding behavior in accident conditions is required to evaluate potential extension to higher burnups. For such approval, improvement of the predictive capabilities of finite element codes such as BISON is needed. In-situ measurements during burst testing could help address current gaps in modeling efforts. In this work, coupled digital image correlation and infrared thermography techniques were utilized to measure cladding strain, temperature, and pressure during burst testing of Zircaloy-4. Both 2- and 3-dimensional digital image correlation techniques were applied and the discrepancies between them are evaluated.

Understanding the burst behavior of zirconium claddings during accident scenarios is valuable to continued safe and efficient operation of light water reactors. Forward looking, better assessment of cladding behavior in accident conditions is required to evaluate potential extension to higher burnups. For such approval, improvement of the predictive capabilities of finite element codes such as BISON is needed. In-situ measurements during burst testing could help address current gaps in modeling efforts. In this work, coupled digital image correlation and infrared thermography techniques were utilized to measure cladding strain, temperature, and pressure during burst testing of Zircaloy-4. Both 2- and 3-dimensional digital image correlation techniques were applied and the discrepancies between them are evaluated.