
51315-5547-Accelerated Stainless Steel 316L Material Compatibility Assessment of Chemical Products Using Potentiodynamic Polarisation

Product Number: 51315-5547-SG
ISBN: 5547 2015 CP
Author: Jeremy Moloney
Publication Date: 2015

Over the past few years there have been several reported instances of incompatibilities and failures of stainless steel components carrying or containing chemical products in the oil and gas industry. Material of construction compatibility with chemical products is a vital assessment to ensure asset integrity of critical components is maintained during field operation. The focus of this paper is on the evaluation of neat chemical product compatibility with 316L stainless steel a commonly employed metallurgy for storage tanks and umbilical tubing.A common approach to assess the compatibility of stainless steel with neat chemical products involves using gravimetric or weight-loss methodology. However this procedure is lengthy in which several months can be required whilst weight loss is not an adequate technique for evaluating pitting because the variation of the material loss can be very small particularly if only a few pits are present.This paper presents and discusses data from accelerated stainless steel compatibility tests of chemical products using potentiodynamic polarisation. A number of experiments were conducted using this technique to assess and predict compatibility of various neat products at both 20 oC and 55 oC within a timeframe of only a few hours. The accelerated method at 55 oC was compared with three month weight-loss immersion tests in the same respective neat chemical product at the same temperature. Excellent correlation between the two procedures was obtained thus verifying the accelerated approach for stainless steel compatibility in neat chemical products.

Over the past few years there have been several reported instances of incompatibilities and failures of stainless steel components carrying or containing chemical products in the oil and gas industry. Material of construction compatibility with chemical products is a vital assessment to ensure asset integrity of critical components is maintained during field operation. The focus of this paper is on the evaluation of neat chemical product compatibility with 316L stainless steel a commonly employed metallurgy for storage tanks and umbilical tubing.A common approach to assess the compatibility of stainless steel with neat chemical products involves using gravimetric or weight-loss methodology. However this procedure is lengthy in which several months can be required whilst weight loss is not an adequate technique for evaluating pitting because the variation of the material loss can be very small particularly if only a few pits are present.This paper presents and discusses data from accelerated stainless steel compatibility tests of chemical products using potentiodynamic polarisation. A number of experiments were conducted using this technique to assess and predict compatibility of various neat products at both 20 oC and 55 oC within a timeframe of only a few hours. The accelerated method at 55 oC was compared with three month weight-loss immersion tests in the same respective neat chemical product at the same temperature. Excellent correlation between the two procedures was obtained thus verifying the accelerated approach for stainless steel compatibility in neat chemical products.

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