
A Proposed Mechanistic Approach to Investigate the Susceptibility of Super Martensitic Stainless Steel

Super martensitic stainless steels are widely in use in oil & gas production environments providing a cost-effective alternative to more expensive corrosion resistant alloys (CRA) for mitigation of general corrosion due to the presence of CO2 in the produced fluids. However there is little agreement on the service limits when exposed in environments that contain H2S particularly in relation to the susceptibility to sulfide stress cracking (SSC).This paper presents a review on the published literature in relation to the susceptibility to SSC of super martensitic stainless steels in production environments with the aim to evaluate the service limits of these materials from both the empirical and mechanistic approaches. The conclusion of this review is that an adequate assessment of the susceptibility to SSC for the super martensitic stainless steels can only be accomplished by using testing methods that account for: a) the role of the passive layer and b) the formation of metastable pits and their propagation in H2S-containing environments.This paper recommends the adoption of study methodology based on the characterization of the passive layer resistance in super martensitic stainless steels using point defect modeling techniques to identify the role of critical variables on the pit induction time distribution which can be used to describe the susceptibility to SSC. These critical variables include both material

Product Number: 51319-12786-SG
Author: Raymundo Case
Publication Date: 2019
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Product Number: 51300-07090-SG
ISBN: 07090 2007 CP
Author: Herve Marchebois, Jean Leyer, and Bertine Orlans-Joliet
Publication Date: 2007