
A Pipeline Operator’s Experience With AC Induced Corrosion

Product Number: 51321-16518-SG
Author: Kyle Platt
Publication Date: 2021

This paper presents a case study of a pipeline release attributed to AC induced corrosion.
Shortcomings were identified in the operator's integrity and corrosion programs which would normally prevent such a release. Based on the findings, the operator completed additional excavations, conducted an AC interference study, and developed an enterprise wide program focused on identifying, monitoring, and mitigating AC interference. The paper examines the results of each mitigative action  and process adjustment taken by the operator.

This paper presents a case study of a pipeline release attributed to AC induced corrosion.
Shortcomings were identified in the operator's integrity and corrosion programs which would normally prevent such a release. Based on the findings, the operator completed additional excavations, conducted an AC interference study, and developed an enterprise wide program focused on identifying, monitoring, and mitigating AC interference. The paper examines the results of each mitigative action  and process adjustment taken by the operator.

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