
51313-02360-A New Method of Studying the Corrosion Behavior of Selected HAZs on UNS S31600 SS Welded Joints

Product Number: 51313-02360-SG
ISBN: 02360 2013 CP
Publication Date: 2013

Austenitic stainless steels are widely used in industries because of their appropriate mechanical properties good corrosion resistance and weldability. The welding process of austenitic stainless steels leads to modifications of local composition and microstructures and thus results in localized corrosion behaviour. Standard cyclic polarization method (ASTM G61 - 86(2009) has been used to evaluate relative localized corrosion susceptibility. An indication of the susceptibility to initiation of localized corrosion in this test method is given by the potential at which the anodic current increases rapidly i.e. the breakdown potential. An issue in cyclic polarization measurements is large scatter in the breakdown potential. This issue is even more acute in the cases of testing a welded joint where different heat affected zones exist. Techniques such as Local electrochemical cells have been developed to perform local potential or polarization measurements. Difficulties in local cell tests include the control of the standard testing conditions. In order to study the corrosion behaviours of welded stainless steel joints a new method of selecting and measuring selected areas on weldment is employed in this work. Pitting corrosion of various sections of welded joints of 316 stainless steel specimens was investigated. Standard cyclic polarization tests were applied to different weldment zones the base metal and also the whole welded joint exposed to 234 ppm sodium chloride solution with a pH value of 8.

Austenitic stainless steels are widely used in industries because of their appropriate mechanical properties good corrosion resistance and weldability. The welding process of austenitic stainless steels leads to modifications of local composition and microstructures and thus results in localized corrosion behaviour. Standard cyclic polarization method (ASTM G61 - 86(2009) has been used to evaluate relative localized corrosion susceptibility. An indication of the susceptibility to initiation of localized corrosion in this test method is given by the potential at which the anodic current increases rapidly i.e. the breakdown potential. An issue in cyclic polarization measurements is large scatter in the breakdown potential. This issue is even more acute in the cases of testing a welded joint where different heat affected zones exist. Techniques such as Local electrochemical cells have been developed to perform local potential or polarization measurements. Difficulties in local cell tests include the control of the standard testing conditions. In order to study the corrosion behaviours of welded stainless steel joints a new method of selecting and measuring selected areas on weldment is employed in this work. Pitting corrosion of various sections of welded joints of 316 stainless steel specimens was investigated. Standard cyclic polarization tests were applied to different weldment zones the base metal and also the whole welded joint exposed to 234 ppm sodium chloride solution with a pH value of 8.

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