The use of electrochemical noise based corrosion monitoring equipment to detect localized corrosion in laboratory and process systems has increased markedly over the last five years. One of the most interesting systems to study is the stress corrosion cracking of UNS C22000 brass exposed to 1-M sodium nitrite (NaNO2) at ambient temperature. This test has been proposed as a possible standard for evaluating
electrochemical noise equipment. Stressed brass specimens exposed to this environment consistently display the same movement from general corrosion to passivation to transgranular stress corrosion
cracking. In an effort to better understand the complex patterns of data this system is capable of producing, crevice corrosion tests using similar specimens and environments were performed. Data from the stress corrosion cracking tests are presented and compared with data from the crevice corrosion tests.
Keywords: electrochemical noise, EN, corrosion, SCC, TGSCC, crevice corrosion, brass, nitrite