The produced water handling system in Lost Hills has been plagued by the presence of sulfate reducing and acid producing bacteria. The bacteria have caused increased corrosion rates, solids deposition throughout the system and injection well plugging resulting in significant operating cost increases. Recent equipment modifications, process improvements and chemical treatment changes have minimized the impact of the bacteria and reduced the water processing costs. A vigorous optimization and monitoring program has been implemented to provide information about current system conditions and further improve the water quality. The history, current status and related cost savings of the optimization of the Lost Hills water handling system are presented.
Kevwords: MIC, Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB), Acid Producing Bacteria (APB), Corrosion, failures, biocide, gathering systew waterflood, Design of Experiments, solids deposition, optimization, pigging, sessile, planktonic, cost savings, economics, water quality, scorecards, filters, and Standard Operating Procedures.