Several parameters influencing the life cycle of Fe-20Cr-Al were investigated. For industrially used chemical compositions, the foil thickness of 50 microns is critical for applications in catalytic converters, since exponential scale growth due to surtke aluminium depletion has to
be considered. Oxidation resistance can also be increased by alloying with yttrium and hathium as reactive elements. These are superior to those of cerium mischmetal or yttrium by alone. Overdoping can cause very high oxidation rates and severe internal oxidation and has to be
avoided. Furthermore increasing the altium content is helpful as well. Since this may lead to embrittlement of conventionally produced materials, a new production technique was developed, which is basixl on aluminising of Fe-Cr at lower thickness. This techniques results in higher
aluminium contents in near surface regions which are quite sutiicient for increasing oxidation resistance.
Keywords: Fe-Cr-Al, oxidation resistance, aluminum reactive elements, production technique