An intermittent impressed current cathodic protection technique using photovoltaic energy was evaluated to determine it’s ability to protect bridge concrete piles in marine environments against corrosion. The technique uses commercially available ancdc systems to deliver the cathodic protection current to the concrete and onto the reinforcing steel. Cathodic protection current is only applied during the daytime hours. The
magnitude of the applied current was based on sunlight availability.
An evaluation was conducted on laboratory specimens as well as in the field. The laboratory work was performed on steel reinforced concrete specimens placed in simulated salt water tanks. For the field evaluation, ten prcstrcssed concrete piles of a bridge structure with an existing rectifier powered cathodic protection system were used. In both cases, intermittent cathodic protection was provided. Polarization and depolarization of the steel reinforcement as well as the protection current delivered were monitored to evaluate the cathodic protection performance as well as the behavior of periodic polarizationdepolarization.
Keywords: Anode, Bridge Pilings, Cathode, Cathodic Protection, Concrete, Corrosion, Direct Current, Rectifier, PhotovoItaic, Polarization, Power Supply