High phosphorus electroless nickel (HPEN) protects cast and fabricated parts from erosion- corrosion in chlorine gas containing moisture. The reduced corrosion rate ofibrs added protection against metal-chlorine tires that can occur with steel above 185°C (365%). When the moisture content of chlorine exceeds the dew point at a specific metal temperature and a separate phase is formed, severe corrosion of steel occurs. HPEN provides complete protection of steel up to 3000 ppm water in chlorine at 20°C and up to 8000 ppm at 100°C that is well above the dew point of the chlorine/water- mixture for each temperature. HPEN is ideal for protecting chlorine compressor parts fabricated from steel and cast iron
Keywords: electroless nickel, chlorine, dry chlorine, steel, compressors, surface preparation, specification, process control