A biocide evaluation program was undertaken to evaluate the relative risks of microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) in a produced effluent water system for West Kuwait Oil Fields, using a combination of field sampling and laboratory biofouling tests. Bacteria isolated from the field water surveys were used to evaluate remedial treatments such as chlorine, chemical biocides and mechanical removal. Recirculating biofouling loops were set up with the eilluent water, and inoculated with the bacteria from the system so that an active biofilm was formed on small steel studs. These biofouled studs were then treated with different antibacterial products under various dosage regimes in order to select the most appropriate control regime for the effluent water. The most effective biocides were found to be the glutaraldehyde and a mixed aldehyde with qanternary ammonium and phosphoniurn compounds.
Keywords: effluent water, corrosion. biocide, water injection, microbially influenced