Conservative, practical guidelines for the minimum water content required to prevent methanolic stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of Ti-6Al-4V-Ru and Ti-3AI-2.5V-Ru alloy tubulars have been developed from slow strain rate testing in plain and acidified NaCl-saturated methanol-water solutions at 25°C. A minimum methanol water content of 10 wt.% is proposed for Ti-6Al-4V-Ru, whereas 2-3 wt.% is sufficient for the lower strength Ti-3Al-2.5V-Ru alloy. Although HCl-acidification aggravated methanolic SCC, intermixing of methanol with crude oil or pure hydrocarbons, H2S gas saturation, and/or increasing temperature diminished cracking susceptibility in these ahoy tubulars. Keywords: titanium alloys, ruthenium, methanol, crude oil, pipe, stress corrosion cracking, inhibition