This investigation was carried out to determine the most effective biocide inhibitor for Northern Arabian Gulf Seawater. This seawater will be used for water injection purposes for some oil fields in Kuwait. Arabian Gulf Seawater is known to be very saline during the summer months and less saline during the rainy season of spring. The biocide inhibitors were tested in a rig with six side streams biofouling monitoring tubes (SBMT).
Bacterial nutrients were added to the system and carbon steel studs were placed afong the tubes of the biocide evaluation test rig (BETR). After a month, a thin, slimy, and black deposit was formed on the carbon steel studs. The deposit contained 107 generaf aerobic bacteria (GAB), 107 general anaerobic bacteria (GAnB) and 105 sulphate reducing
bacteria (SRB). The most effective biocide inhibitor was found to be a fatty amine aryl quarternary inhibitor at 50% dosage.
Key Words: Biocide, seawater, water injection, general aerobic bacteria (GAB), general anaerobic bacteria (GAnB), sulphur reducing bacteria