

Product Number: 51300-97369-SG
ISBN: 97369 1997 CP
Author: Pradip R. Khaladkar
Polymer-based materials, due to their light weight, superior strength to weight ratio and excellent chemical resistance are an attractive choice for the chemical processing industry. However, their viscoelastic and nonhomogeneous nature does not permit accurate and rapid compatibility testing or fitness for service analysis. This paper deals with the fitness for service aspect of nonmetallic materials which implies condition assesment by nondestructive examination (NDT), nonintfusive examination (NIE) as well as on-line monitoring techniques. This also includes determination of remaining life and inspection frequency. Included are a description of the present NDT and NIE techniques, current drivers for the Chemical Process Industry and a discussion of why the status quo is unacceptable. Using one chemical company’s survey the paper identifies some high priority areas for future research and development. Keywords: NDT, FRP, linings, piping, valves, hoses, amustic emission, microwave, elastomers and fluoropolymere.
Polymer-based materials, due to their light weight, superior strength to weight ratio and excellent chemical resistance are an attractive choice for the chemical processing industry. However, their viscoelastic and nonhomogeneous nature does not permit accurate and rapid compatibility testing or fitness for service analysis. This paper deals with the fitness for service aspect of nonmetallic materials which implies condition assesment by nondestructive examination (NDT), nonintfusive examination (NIE) as well as on-line monitoring techniques. This also includes determination of remaining life and inspection frequency. Included are a description of the present NDT and NIE techniques, current drivers for the Chemical Process Industry and a discussion of why the status quo is unacceptable. Using one chemical company’s survey the paper identifies some high priority areas for future research and development. Keywords: NDT, FRP, linings, piping, valves, hoses, amustic emission, microwave, elastomers and fluoropolymere.
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