

Product Number: 51300-97288-SG
ISBN: 97288 1997 CP
Author: A. F. Denzine, M. S. Reading
For over thirty years, Corrosion Coupons (weight loss coupons) have been used in industrial processes to measure corrosion rates. These simple and reliable devices provide an accurate measure of corrosion rate in any environment, but require an extended time base before meaningful (and therefore historical) information can be obtained. Electrical Resistance (ER) Probes provide the means to electrically transmit and record corrosion rate data based on the correlation of the increase in the electrical resistance of the probe element to the metal loss of the element. Although uaeable in any process environment, this technique also requires an extended time base before data is available. The Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) technique provides instantaneous corrosion rate data. However, it is applicable ordy in conductive media. Newer techniques provide the combined benefit of the rapid response of LPR probes to the universal applicability of ER probes and coupons. In this paper, the limitations of current corrosion monitoring techniques will be critically evaluated. For each technique, application limitations will be described in terms of corrosive media characteristics (temperature, pressure, conductivity, H2S concentration, pH, phase) as well as probe characteristics (response time, sensitivity, alloy availability, means of insertion). Key Words: Corrosion monitoring, new, rapid technique, LPR, electrical resistance
For over thirty years, Corrosion Coupons (weight loss coupons) have been used in industrial processes to measure corrosion rates. These simple and reliable devices provide an accurate measure of corrosion rate in any environment, but require an extended time base before meaningful (and therefore historical) information can be obtained. Electrical Resistance (ER) Probes provide the means to electrically transmit and record corrosion rate data based on the correlation of the increase in the electrical resistance of the probe element to the metal loss of the element. Although uaeable in any process environment, this technique also requires an extended time base before data is available. The Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) technique provides instantaneous corrosion rate data. However, it is applicable ordy in conductive media. Newer techniques provide the combined benefit of the rapid response of LPR probes to the universal applicability of ER probes and coupons. In this paper, the limitations of current corrosion monitoring techniques will be critically evaluated. For each technique, application limitations will be described in terms of corrosive media characteristics (temperature, pressure, conductivity, H2S concentration, pH, phase) as well as probe characteristics (response time, sensitivity, alloy availability, means of insertion). Key Words: Corrosion monitoring, new, rapid technique, LPR, electrical resistance
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