Materials of construction in waste incineration and waste fuel combustion environments experierce severe high-temperature fireside corrosion problams due to such mechanisms as oxidation, sulfidation, halogen corrosion, and molten salt/ash attack from low melting point alkali and heavy metal sulfides and halides. Certain key elements, namely aluminum, chromium, and silicon, have the ability to effectively resist such corrosion if present invsufficient quantities in the base alloy. These alloys tend to be very costly and/or have unsuitable mechanical properties. Available alternative to use of these alloys is to employ practical surface
modification technologies such as diffusion and thermal spray coatings to provide less expensive and/or mechanically stronger alloys with a surface rich in these protective elements. A variety of these surface modification technologies ara discussed.
Keywords: diffusion coating, thermal spray coating, aluminum, chromium, silicon, incinerators, waste fuel combustore