Alloy T-9 1 (modilicd 9 Cr - 1 Mo steel) is being specified for coker charge heater tubulars. This alloy, not normally used in petroleum refining service, is characterized by lower ductility and higher strength/hardness than is exhibited by the standard 9 Cl - 1 Mo steel alloy. Modified 9 Cr - 1 Mo steel alloy was subjected to detailed mechanical property assessment, sulfide stress corrosion cracking susceptibility and fracture toughness tests. Results showed that hardness of the tube welds exceeded the range normally used in wet H2S service, the weld and HAZ toughness am low, and the suliide cracking susceptibility is very high. Furthermore, once cracked the crack growth rate increases significantly from
Kcywords: low alloy steels, wet H2S exposure. sultide stress corrosion cracking, weld hardness, refinery heater tubes, cokers.