The personal computer and the multimedia revolution arc presenting those who teach and trail corrosion engineers with attractive opportunities to make teaching and learning more efficient and effective. This paper describes the development of a computer aided learning (CAL) package for teaching corrosion to engineering students. This educational software employs a case study approach to teach corrosion principles and corrosion control methods. The course comprises Case Study modules, a Theory Base and a Glossary. Each case study involves a problem solving exercise which is based on a particular aspect of corrosion.The user finds background information by searching the TheoryBase and the Glossary. Students can move freely between the three major components of the course at any location in the software. The case study, the TheoryBase and the Glossay can be launched independently, if required, from the Corrosion control centre. Two case study modules of different levels are described.
Keywords: computer aided learning, CAL, multimedia, education, corrosion software